- Flotillin-mediated stabilization of unfolded proteins in bacterial membrane microdomains.
Ukleja, M., Kricks, L., Torrens, G., Peschiera, I., Rodrigues-Lopes, I., Krupka, M., García-Fernández, J., Melero, R., del Campo, R., Eulalio, A., Mateus, A., López-Bravo, M., Rico, A. I., Cava, F., & Lopez, D. Nature Communications, 15(5583), 2024
Instruct Access Project (PID): 24147 - CryoEM analysis of the essential native UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from Aspergillus nidulans reveals key conformations for activity regulation and function
Han, X., D’Angelo, C., Otamendi, A., Cifuente, J. O., de Astigarraga, E., Ochoa-Lizarralde, B., Grininger, M., Routier, F. H., Guerin, M. E., Fuehring, J., Etxebeste, O., & Connell, S. R. (2023). mBio.
Instruct Access Project (PID): 14910 and 3796 - A Fijivirus Major Viroplasm Protein Shows RNA-Stimulated ATPase Activity by Adopting Pentameric and Hexameric Assemblies of Dimers
Gabriela Llauger, Roberto Melero, Demián Monti, Gabriela Sycz, Cristián Huck-Iriart, María L. Cerutti , Sebastián Klinke, Evelyn Mikkelsen, Ariel Tijman, Rocío Arranz, Victoria Alfonso, Sofía M. Arellano, Fernando A. Goldbaum, Yann G. J. Sterckx, José-María Carazo, Sergio B. Kaufman, Pablo D. Dans, Mariana del Vas delvas, Lisandro H. Otero
Instruct Access Project (PID):5526
iNEXT-Discovery Access Project (PID): 5391 - Nanobodies Protecting From Lethal SARS-CoV-2 Infection Target Receptor Binding Epitopes Preserved in Virus Variants Other Than Omicron
Casasnovas J.M., Margolles Y., Noriega M.A., Guzmán M., Arranz R., Melero R., Casanova M., Corbera J.A., Jiménez de Oya N., Gastaminza P., Garaigorta U., Saiz J.C., Martín-Acebes M.A., and L.A. Fernández.
Frontiers in Immunology
Instruct Access Project (PID): 16168 and 14989 - Structure of the drug target ClpC1 unfoldase in action provides insights on antibiotic mechanism of action.
Katharina Weinhäupl, Marcos Gragera, M. TeresaBueno-carrasco, Rocío Arranz, Olga Krandor, Tatos Akopian, Raquel Soares, Eric Rubin, Jan Felix, Hugo Fraga.
J. Biol. Chem.298(11): 102553
iNEXT Access Project (PID): 15695 - 3D architecture and structural flexibility revealed in the subfamily of large glutamate dehydrogenases by a mycobacterial enzyme.
Melisa Lázaro, Roberto Melero, Charlotte Huet, Jorge P. López-Alonso, Sandra Delgado, Alexandra Dodu, Eduardo M. Bruch, Luciano A. Abriata, Pedro M. Alzari, Mikel Valle & María-Natalia Lisa
Communications Biology. 4: 684
Instruct Access Project (PID): 6258 - Near-atomic structure of an atadenovirus reveals a conserved capsid-binding motif and intergenera variations in cementing proteins.
Roberto Marabini, Gabriela N. Condezo, Mart Krupovic, Rosa Menéndez-Conejero, Josué Gómez-Blanco,Carmen San Martín
Science Advances: 7(14): eabe6008
Instruct Access Project (PID): 1395 - Self-assembly and regulation of protein cages from pre-organised coiled-coil modules.
Lapenta F, Aupič J, Vezzoli M, Strmšek Z, Da-Vela S, Svergun D, Carazo JM, Melero R, Jerala R.
Nature Communications. 12: 939
iNEXT Access Project (PID): 1824 - Continuous flexibility analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike prefusion structures.
Melero R, Sorzano COS, Foster B, Vilas JL, Martínez M, Marabini R, Ramírez-Aportela E, Sanchez-Garcia R, Herreros D, Del Caño L, Losana P, Fonseca-Reyna YC, Conesa P, Wrapp D, Chacon P, McLellan JS, Tagare HD, Carazo JM.
IUCrJ. 7(6): 1059 – 1069
Instruct Access Project (PID): 11775 - Ribosome-associated vesicles: A dynamic subcompartment of the endoplasmic reticulum in secretory cells.
Carter SD, Hampton CM, Langlois R, Melero R, Farino ZJ, Calderon MJ, Li W, Wallace CT, Tran NH, Grassucci RA, Siegmund SE, Pemberton J, Morgenstern TJ, Eisenman L, Aguilar JI, Greenberg NL, Levy ES, Yi E, Mitchell WG, Rice WJ, Wigge C, Pilli J, George EW, Aslanoglou D, Courel M, Freyberg RJ, Javitch JA, Wills ZP, Area-Gomez E, Shiva S, Bartolini F, Volchuk A, Murray SA, Aridor M, Fish KN, Walter P, Balla T, Fass D, Wolf SG, Watkins SC, Carazo JM, Jensen GJ, Frank J, Freyberg Z.
Sci Adv. 6(14):eaay9572
Instruct Access Project (PID): 1222 - Regulation of RUVBL1-RUVBL2 AAA-ATPases by the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay factor DHX34, as evidenced by Cryo-EM.
Andres López-Perrote, Nele Hug, Ana González-Corpas, Carlos F Rodríguez, Marina Serna, Carmen García-Martín, Jasminka Boskovic, Rafael Fernandez-Leiro, Javier F Caceres, Oscar Llorca.
eLife. 2020; 9:e63042
Instruct Access Project (PID): 10707 - Capping pores of alphavirus nsP1 gate membranous viral replication factories.
Rhian Jones, Gabriel Bragagnolo, Rocío Arranz & Juan Reguera.
Instruct Access Project (PID): 7046 - Structural basis for cooperativity of human monoclonal antibodies to meningococcal factor H-binding protein.
Peschiera I, Giuliani M, Giusti F, Melero R, Paccagnini E, Donnarumma D, Pansegrau W, Carazo JM, Sorzano COS, Scarselli M, Masignani V, Liljeroos LJ, Ferlenghi I.
Commun Biol. 2:241
Instruct Access Project (PID): 1344 - Frozen-hydrated chromatin from metaphase chromosomes has an interdigitated multilayer structure.
Chicano A, Crosas E, Otón J, Melero R, Engel BD, Daban JR.
EMBO J. 38:e99769
Instruct Access Project (PID): 250, PID: 2115 - Dynamic kinetochore size regulation promotes microtubule capture and chromosome biorientation in mitosis.
Sacristan C, Ahmad MUD, Keller J, Fermie J, Groenewold V, Tromer E, Fish A, Melero R, Carazo JM, Klumperman J, Musacchio A, Perrakis A, Kops GJ.
Nature Cell Biology. 20: 800–810 2018.
iNEXT Access Project (PID): 2287 - Pea PSII-LHCII supercomplexes form pairs by making connections across the stromal gap.
Albanese P, Melero R, Engel BD, Grinzato A, Berto P, Manfredi M, Chiodoni A, Vargas J, Sorzano COS, Marengo E, Saracco G, Zanotti G, Carazo JM, Pagliano C.
Sci Rep. 7(1):10067
Instruct Access Project (PID):1112 and 1363 - Design of coiled-coil protein-origami cages that self-assemble in vitro and in vivo.
Ljubetič A, Lapenta F, Gradišar H, Drobnak I, Aupič J, Strmšek Ž, Lainšček D, Hafner-Bratkovič I, Majerle A, Krivec N, Benčina M, Pisanski T, Veličković TĆ, Round A, Carazo JM, Melero R, Jerala R.
Nature Biotechnology. 35: 1094–1101
iNEXT Access Projects (PID): 1771, 2706 and 1824 - Asymmetric cryo-EM reconstruction of phage MS2 reveals genome structure in situ.
Koning RI, Gomez-Blanco J, Akopjana I, Vargas J, Kazaks A, Tars K, Carazo JM, Koster AJ.
Nat Commun. 7: 125242016
Instruct Access Project (PID): 1114