The Instruct Image Processing Center (I2PC) is financed by the MICINN as part of the Spanish participation in Instruct – ERIC,  the European Strategic Infrastructure Project (ESFRI) in the area of Structural Biology.

Our Instruct Center host the Instruct  Image Processing Center (I2PC) and the Instruct CryoEM – CSIC facility, working together to provide the best support to THE Structural Biologist Community. 

Instruct Access Projects can be requested separately for the two platforms, covering both the first stages of sample characterization for cryoEM and image adquisition, on the one hand, and the extraction of biological knowledge using advanced image processing pipelines, on the other hand.

I2PC also provides support and training in the use of image processing software, at the same time that it develops software and standards oriented towards the standardization, simplification and reliability of the image processing tasks.


The Instruct Image Processing Center is financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) as part of the Spanish participation in Instruct – ERIC.