About I2PC

The Instruct Image Processing Center (I2PC) is financed by the MICINN as part of the Spanish participation in Instruct – ERIC,  the European Strategic Infrastructure Project (ESFRI) in the area of Structural Biology.

Our Instruct Center host the Instruct  Image Processing Center (I2PC) and the Instruct CryoEM – CSIC facility, working together to provide the best support to THE Structural Biologist Community. 

Instruct Access Projects can be requested separately for the two platforms, covering both the first stages of sample characterization for cryoEM and image adquisition, on the one hand, and the extraction of biological knowledge using advanced image processing pipelines, on the other hand.

I2PC also provides support and training in the use of image processing software, at the same time that it develops software and standards oriented towards the standardization, simplification and reliability of the image processing tasks.



Suite of image processing programs, primarily aimed at single-particle 3D electron microscopy.


Image processing framework to obtain 3D models of macromolecular complexes using Electron Microscopy.



In all cases we are looking for people with knowledge in image processing and scientific computing, very motivated and interested in Life Science applications. Good knowledge of English is also required.

Candidates should send an e-mail to ipc@cnb.csic.es


The Team


Strategic Advisory Committee


Prof. Wolfgang Baumeister
Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry (Martinsried), Director


Prof. Jose L. Carrascosa
Spanish National Center for Electron Microscopy, Director

Prof. Joachim Frank
Columbia University

Peter Fruhstorfer
FEI Company Vice President, General Manager Life Sciences


Team leader: Pablo Conesa

Laura del Caño

Marta  Martinez Gonzalez

Jorge Jiménez

Yunior Fonseca

Associated Scientists

Javier Vargas

Josué Gómez Blanco

Jose Luis Vilas

Fco. Javier Chichón

Carmen San Martín

José Jesús Fernández

Jaime Martín Benito