CTF Estimation Challenge

The CTF Estimation Challenge will be run from March 1st to July 15th as a collaboration between researchers, rather than a competition. Each challenger commits to submitting a manuscript to the next I2PC workshop summarizing the method used and results, and later to sharing the results with the community, such that we can foster a fruitful discussion at the meeting. Although several data sets will be made available, participants may choose to process only one data set if they prefer.

A paper summarizing all results will be prepared after the workshop.

We are pleased to announce the CTF estimation challenge called by the Madrid Instruct Image Processing Center (I2PC) in collaboration with the National Center for Macromolecular Imaging at Houston. By participating in this challenge, researchers will have the opportunity to test their ability estimating some of the key parameters of the Electron Microscope Contrast Transfer Function on a large micrograph data set produced by well-known laboratories on a wide set of experimental conditions.


Fluorescence microscopy image analysis is different for each sample but there are usually a common set of steps in the analysis workflow such as image preprocessing, segmentation, specimens characterization and classification.

In FluoJ user configures this steps for each sample and trains the classifier (optional) in order to do automatic image processing and classification. This way a variety of sample studies can be processed improving image analysis and minimizing user intervention. Contact us to try your images.

I2PC Developer Workshop

The first I2PC Developer Workshop will take place in Madrid, 6th and 7th of February. The main objective is to standardize information exchange in Single Particles as well as to start a dynamic of algorithm benchmarking in the field. Concrete conclussions on data interchange were reached and a first benchmarking challenge was issued to the community.

Jose Maria Carazo
Introduction and setting the goals and expectation of this meeting.


Wah Chiu
Report on Map and Model Validation (from the Validation Task Force)
Christian Blaschke
Introduction to Bechmarking (I): The current situation in Bioinformatics
Adrian Quintana
Introduction to Bechmarking (II): The current situation in other imaging communities
Anchi Cheng
Presentation of Past Particle Picking Benchmark
Steven Ludtke
Presentation of Past Modeling Challenge
Carlos Oscar Sorzano Sanchez
Presentation of Past EU NoE ‘intended Benchmark’
Adrian Quintana
Presentation of I2PC Prototype Benchmark Platform
Wah Chiu
Discussion & Conclussions on Benchmark activities in 3DEM

Workflows in Single Particle

Carlos Oscar Sorzano Sanchez
Setting the scene
Standardized Workflows
Robert Langlois
Workflows in Spider
Roberto Marabini
Workflows in XMIPP
Steven Ludtke
Workflows in EMAN
Bernard Heymann
Workflows in Bsoft
Marin van Heel
Workflows in Imagic
Anchi Cheng
Workflows in Appion
Adrian Quintana
Workflows in Scipion
Jose Maria Carazo
Discussion & Conclussions on Workflows
Roberto Marabini
Conclussions on Workflows

Ontologies and Vocabularies

Roberto Marabini
General presentation on Ontologies and information organization. Presentation of the Scipion Ontology
John Westbrook
Vocabularies and Ontologies. The case of the EMDB submission vocabulary
Steven Ludtke
Presentation of the EMEN Ontology (I & II
Jose Maria Carazo & Roberto Marabini
Discussion on Ontologies

3D Electron Microscopy Benchmark Web

3DEM Benchmark website, a joint initiative of the National Institute of Bioinformatics (INB) and the INSTRUCT Center for Image Processing in Microscopy, has been develop to foster the development of new advanced methods in the area of image processing in Structural Biology. To this end we provide a robust computational infrastructure capable of supporting the automatic and standardized benchmarking of image processing applications.