I2PC Seminar Series on Image Processing 2022

Following the tradition, I2PC (Instruct Image Processing Center) is organizing the third edition of seminar series on cryoEM and cryoET methods for image processing. 
The aim of the seminar series is to gather expert developers and users in a same  framework where the algorithms can gain visibility and users can understand the applications and mechanisms of the presented algorithms. 

The webinars will be online and they are absolutely free (registration is not required). You can join the session through next link 


The contents and speakers will be 

  • April 21th. (14:00 London, Dublin,  15:00 Madrid, Berlin, Paris, 9:00 New York)
    Sjors Scheres – New developments in RELION-4.0.
    MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology 
  • May 12th   (16:00 London, Dublin,  17:00 Madrid, Berlin, Paris, 11:00 New York, 9:00 New Mexico)
    Thomas C. Terwilliger. AlphaFold changes everything.
    Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • May 26th (14:00 London, Dublin,  15:00 Madrid, Berlin, Paris, 9:00 New York)
    Daniel Marchan and Marcos Gragera. Stream processing for facilities. 
    BioComputing Unit CNB/CSIC. 
  • June 9th (14:00 London, Dublin,  15:00 Madrid, Berlin, Paris, 9:00 New York)
    Carsten Sachse. Statistical methods for the cryo-EM toolbox. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH.
    Ernst Ruska-Centre for Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Electrons. 
  • June 23th (14:00 London, Dublin,  15:00 Madrid, Berlin, Paris, 9:00 New York)
    Min Xu. AITom: Open-source AI platform for cryo-electron tomography data analysis. 
    School of Computer Science. Carnegie Mellon University
  • June 30th(14:00 London, Dublin,  15:00 Madrid, Berlin, Paris, 9:00 New York)
    Carlos Óscar Sorzano. Validation tools in cryoEM.
    BioComputing Unit CNB/CSIC. 

The seminar series will continue in September with next speakers, the exact day and time will be announced in summer

  • Dmitry Lyumkis – Laboratory of Genetics, The Salk Institute of Biological Sciences
  • Jorge Jimenez –  BioComputing Unit CNB/CSIC. 
  • Lorenz Lamm – Helmholtz Pioneer Campus, Helmholtz Munich

Instruct virtual course on Electron Tomography by CryoEM. Madrid, December 13 – 16, 2021


Remote course
December 13 – 16, 2021 from 09.30-17.30 CET

Overall aims course outline

Cryo-electron Tomography is a rapidly growing technique that can visualize cell organelles and biological macromolecules in their cellular context. Image processing algorithms allow the identification of the macromolecules of interest in the electron tomograms. Then, by extracting small subtomograms around those locations and identifying those similar particles, we may average them and recognize their different conformations. This latter process is called subtomogram averaging and has allowed solving a growing number of macromolecules with a resolution between 20-5A.

The course aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the whole image processing pipeline in Electron Tomography (ET) from the movie alignment of the tilt series, 3D reconstruction of the tomogram, particle identification, and subtomogram averaging. The I2PC has a long tradition of organizing courses of image processing, with Instruct courses that have been heavily oversubscribed and had to be repeated twice in the same year to attend its demand. The length of the course is three days and a half.

Preventing possible traveling restrictions and seeing the previous virtual course’s successes, the whole course will be given online. An additional benefit of this circumstance is that the course can be recorded and stay as a permanent course in Instruct. Although the course is online, we will keep a close interaction with attendees. For this reason, we will limit the maximum number of attendees to 40.

The course is aimed at researchers of all levels wanting to adopt electron microscopy as one of the tools at their disposal for elucidating biological structures.

Expected impact for young researches

CryoET is one of the most promising structural techniques, and it bridges the gap between structural and molecular biology and cell biology. Ph.D. students, as well as post-docs, will undoubtedly benefit from approaching this technique. Knowing it will open new doors to new positions worldwide.


Lead contact:  
Carlos Oscar Sorzano
email. coss@cnb.csic.es

Administrative Contact:
Blanca Benitez
email: blanca@cnb.csic.es


Ana Cuervo (AC), Federico de Isidro (FI), Estrella Fernández (EF), David Herreros (DH), Jorge Jiménez (JJ), Javier Conesa (JC), Roberto Melero (RM), Carlos Oscar Sorzano Sánchez (COSS), Jose-María Carazo (JMC), Patricia Losana (PL), Jose Luis Vilas (JLV)


Day 1: From movies to tomograms

9:15   Course introduction. 
9:30   Movie alignment and Tilt Series alignment: fiducial and fiducialless approaches. 
12:30    Lunch Break
13:30 3D Reconstruction, CTF estimation and correction. 
17:30    End of day

Day 2: From tomograms to subtomograms

09:30    Tomogram denoising and segmentation. 
12:20    Lunch Break
13:30 Particle identification: different strategies, particle filtering according to their orientation in the tomogram. 
17:30    End of day

Day 3: Processing subtomograms

09:30    Subtomogram averaging. 
12:20    Lunch Break
13:30 Particle filtering using strategies based on the subtomogram averaging and mapping back subtomograms. 
17:30    End of day

Day 4: Tomogram interpretation

09:30    Tomogram segmentation.
12:20    End of course


Registration online closed.


Registration Fee

This course is funded by Instruct – ERIC, an Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe.

I2PC Seminar series on Image processing

Dear EM community,

From I2PC we are proud to announce the second part of our seminar
series on Image processing, addressed to Electron Tomography Methods.

The aim of the seminar series is to gather expert developers and
users in a same framework where the algorithms can gain visibility and users
can understand the applications and mechanisms of the presented algorithms. The
webinars will be online at 16:00 GTM+1 (Berlin, Paris, Madrid) and they are
free without registration of cost. You can join the session through next link.


The contents (speakers are free to present other contents) and
speakers will be

June. DeepFinder.Emmanuel Moebel
CNRS-UMR 144, Inria, CNRS, Institut Curie, PSL Research University, France

10th June. NOVACTFBeata
Max-Planck Institute of Biophysics, Germany.

June.PySeg. Antonio Martínez-Sánchez.
Universidad de Oviedo, Spain.

24th June. cryoCARE. Tim Oliver Buchholz.Max
Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG), Germany

July. Dynamo. Daniel Castaño. 
Biozentrum, University of Basel. Switzerland

With best wishes

I2PC Team

I2PC – Instruct virtual course on Single Particle Analysis by CryoEM. Madrid, 18 – 20 April, 2022


Remote course
18 – 20 April, 2022 from 09.30-18.00 CET

Overall aims and course outline

Cryo-Electron Microscopy has established as a mature technique to determine the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules. It is currently reaching atomic resolution and it is capable of accessing to the structure of conformationally heterogeneous samples, as well as macromolecular complexes. It is complementary to other structural techniques like X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and at the moment it is the most rapidly growing technique in atomic structure depositions at public databases like PDB.

The aim of the course is to give an overall overview of the image processing in single particle analysis (SPA). The I2PC has a long tradition of organizing courses of image processing and atomic modelling, with Instruct courses that have been heavily oversubscribed and had to be repeated twice in the same year to be able to attend its demand.

For logistic reasons and travelling restrictions, the whole course will be given online. An additional benefit of this circumstance is that the course can be recorded and stay as a permanent course in I2PC. Although the course is online we will try to keep the interactions with attendees. For this reason, we will limit the maximum number of attendees to 40.

The course is aimed at researchers of all levels wanting to adopt electron microscopy as one of the tools at their disposal for elucidating biological structures.

Expected impact for young researchers

CryoEM is the most rapidly growing structural technique. PhD students as well as young post-docs will certainly benefit from approaching this technique. Knowing it will open new doors to new positions worldwide.


Lead contact:  
Carlos Oscar Sorzano
email. coss@cnb.csic.es

Administrative Contact:
Blanca Benitez
email: blanca@cnb.csic.es


Carlos Oscar Sorzano Sánchez (COSS), José-María Carazo (JMC), Marcos Gragera (MG), Roberto Melero (RM), Daniel Marchán (DM), Estrella Fernández (EF), David Herreros (DH), Pablo Conesa (PC), Yunior Fonseca (YF)


Day 1: Data processing

9:30       Morning:

  • Movie alignment, Screening micrographs and CTF
  • Particle picking and screening

13:00    Lunch Break

14:00    Afternoon:

  • Particle picking and screening
  • 2D classification
17:00    End of day

Day 2:

9:30       Morning:

  • Initial volume
  • 3D classification

13:00    Lunch Break

14:00    Afternoon:

  • 3D classification
  • 3D reconstruction
17:00    End of day

Day 3: 

9:30       Morning:

  • Validation and analysis

13:00    Lunch Break

14:00    Afternoon:

  • General discussion, open questions

17:00    End of day

* Virtual machines and I2PC staff will be available
until 17:30 for those who want to access.


Registration Fee: 50€ 
Fill  your application here (Regitration closed)

This course is organized by I2PC in collaboration with Instruct – ERIC, an Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe and CRIOMECORR Project

New position Open: IT support and software development for the Electron Microscopy Facility.

IT support and software development for the Electron Microscopy Facility of the Natl. Center of Biotechnology (CSIC), Madrid

Description: We are looking for a candidate with a BSc in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or equivalent, who has experience in system management and software development skills (Python and C/C++). The candidate will be part of a team in charge of managing the cryo-electron microscopy facility’s computing infrastructure and coordinating and assuring the code’s quality developed by the rest of the group (Xmipp, http://xmipp.cnb.csic.es). 

Background: Electron microscopy is currently the most rapidly growing Structural Biology technique. The Natl. Center of Biotechnology (CSIC) hosts the most advanced Cryo-Electron Microscope for Biology in Spain and the Instruct Image Processing Center, a key developer of both XMIPP and Scipion software. Data management and computation are real issues when several Terabytes of images are produced every day in modern cryo Electron Microscopy Facilities.

For further information, go to INSTRUCT Image Processing Center or  Cryo-Electron Microscopy websites.

Location: Madrid 

Required Skills:
-> BSc / MSc in Computer Science, Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or equivalent.
-> Programming experience with python and C/C++
-> Automation skills (bash, python, …)
-> Experience in Linux
-> Experience in the definition and management of computer networks
-> Interest and experience in computer Hardware 
-> Medium level of proficiency in written and spoken English

The following skills are considered a “plus” but are not essential:

-> Experience in assisting open source software development teams (GitHub, documentation, user support, collaboration tools, …).
-> Experience with Graphical Processing Units (GPU) programming
-> Experience in Cloud (Amazon AWS)
-> Experience in team coordination and releasing software
-> Spanish

Interested candidates should send their CVs and letter of interest to i2pc@cnb.csic.es

Instruct virtual course on Single Particle Analysis by CryoEM. Madrid, December 14 – 18, 2020


Remote course
December 14-18, 2020 from 09.30-18.00 CET

Overall aims and course outline

Cryo-Electron Microscopy has established as a mature technique to determine the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules. It is currently reaching atomic resolution and it is capable of accessing to the structure of conformationally heterogeneous samples, as well as macromolecular complexes. It is complementary to other structural techniques like X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and at the moment it is the most rapidly growing technique in atomic structure depositions at public databases like PDB.

The aim of the course is to give an overall overview of the whole process of single particle analysis (SPA) starting from sample preparation, image acquisition at the microscope, image processing and atomic modelling. The I2PC has a long tradition of organizing courses of image processing and atomic modelling, with Instruct courses that have been heavily oversubscribed and had to be repeated twice in the same year to be able to attend its demand. In this edition of the course we have included the sample preparation and image acquisition part, which will be done in the recently established high-end CryoEM facility at the CNB, which incorporates a Thermofisher Talos Arctica (200kV) and JEOL CryoARM 300 (300 kV). The CNB CryoEM facility is in the process of being incorporated into the offer of the Instruct catalogue. For this reason, we have extended our traditional 3 days course into a 5 days course that includes sample preparation and image acquisition.

For logistic reasons and travelling restrictions, the whole course will be given online. An additional benefit of this circumstance is that the course can be recorded and stay as a permanent course in Instruct. Although the course is online we will try to keep the interactions with attendees. For this reason, we will limit the maximum number of attendees to 20.

The course is aimed at researchers of all levels wanting to adopt electron microscopy as one of the tools at their disposal for elucidating biological structures.

Expected impact for young researchers

CryoEM is the most rapidly growing structural technique. PhD students as well as young post-docs will certainly benefit from approaching this technique. Knowing it will open new doors to new positions worldwide.


Lead contact:  
Carlos Oscar Sorzano
email. coss@cnb.csic.es

Administrative Contact:
Blanca Benitez
email: blanca@cnb.csic.es

Marta Martínez (MM), Carlos Oscar Sorzano Sánchez (COSS), Roberto Marabini (RM), Roberto Melero (RME), Jose-María Carazo (JMC), José-María Valpuesta (JMV), Javier Chichón (JC)


Day 1: Data acquisition
9:30       Introduction to the course (JMC, JMV, COSS)
9:35       Introduction to CryoEM (JMV)
10:20     Break
10:30    Introduction to camera detectors (JC)
11:20    Break
11:30    Sample preparation NEGATIVE STAIN (JMV)
12:30    Lunch Break
13:30    Sample preparation VITRIFICATION (JC)
14:20    End of day
Day 2: Data acquisition
9:30       Data Acquisition Lecture
10:20    Break
10:30    Grid Clipping and Microscope loading (JC)
11:20    Break
11:30    Screening
12:30    Lunch Break
13:30    General discussion
14:20    End of day
Day 3: Data processing
9:30    Movie alignment, Screening micrographs and
10:20  Break
10:30  Particle picking and screening (COSS)
11:20  Break
11:30  2D classification (COSS)
12:30  Lunch Break
13:30  Personal practice
16:30  General discussion
17:00  End of day

Day 4: Data processing
09:30    Initial volume (COSS)
10:20    Break
10:30    Alignment, classification, and
reconstruction (COSS)
11:20    Break
11:30    Validation and analysis  (COSS)
12:20    Lunch Break
13:30    Personal practice
16:30    General discussion
17:00    End of day
Day 5: Data modelling
09:30    Homology modelling (MM, RM)
10:20     Break
10:30     Model alignment and refinement (MM, RM)
11:20    Break
11:30    Model validation (MM, RM)
12:20    Lunch Break
13:30    Model validation (MM, RM)
14:30    General discussion;
Dissemination: Infrastructure access through
Instruct and iNext-Discovery (RME, JMC, COSS)
14:30    End of day work*
* Virtual machines and I2PC staff will be available
until 17:30 for those who want to access.

Key dates:

October 26 – November 20, 2020: Submission of the course application
23– 30 November, 2020: Communication of awarded applications  


Registration will be free for all attendees.
Fill  your application here.  (Registration is now closed)

This course is funded by Instruct – ERIC, an Integrated Structural Biology Infrastructure for Europe and CRIOMECORR Project

I2PC Webinars

For a theoretical and practical background on image processing using Scipion, Xmipp and other tools available through Scipion, the Instruct Image Processing Center (I2PC) is organizing short Webinar cycles.

There will be two cycles: New image processing workflows, and Scipion’s tools.

Webinars will be available through the CSIC Conecta platform every Fridays at 17.00 PM CEST with a maximum duration of 1h:

May 29th.
From movies to particles.
Speaker: Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano
Online Registration for this Webinar.
To access the recording of the Webinar click here

June 12th.
From particles to structure.
Speaker: Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano
To access the recording of the Webinar click here

June 26th.
Local resolution tools.
Speaker: Jose Luis Vilas
To access the recording of the Webinar click here

July 10th.
How to install Scipion 3.
Speaker: Pablo Conesa
To access the recording of the Webinar click here

July 24th.
Stream processing in Scipion.
Speaker: David Maluenda
To access the recording of the Webinar click here

Links will be provided after registration

Cryo-EM installed at Instruct Centre ES


A new, state-of-the-art cryo-electron microscope (cryo-EM) has been installed at Instruct Centre ES following a joint, eight-million-euro investment of the Spanish National Center for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC) and EU structural funds. The JEOL JEM-Z300FSC (CRYO ARM™ 300) microscope, housed at the CNB-CSIC in Madrid, is the first of its kind to be installed in Spain. The new microscope, together with new correlative microscopy facilities, will be made available to Spanish users and also to European researchers through Instruct-ERIC, for a variety of scientific projects.

“The new cryo-EM facility at the CNB-CSIC intends to provide service to the large community of Spanish structural biologists which was in need of adequate infrastructure, but also help both the European academia and industry through its connection with Instruct” remarked Prof José María Valpuesta, director of the cryo-EM facility at CNB-CSIC.

You can access the entire article at: https://instruct-eric.eu/news/state-of-the-art-cryo-em-installed-at-instruct-centre-es/

2nd Scipion Facilities Course (online edition). Madrid, 2020.


Tuesday 27 Oct – Friday 30,  4 days, afternoon from 16:00-18:00 CET


The aim of this meeting is to show what scipion offers to a Cryo-em facility. The course will have a strong “practical component”, since workflows will be running live on the Amazon cloud.

I2PC is organising a Cryo-EM Scipion course specifically for Facilities. Scipion team and collaborators have been working in the last years in what we call streaming processing. We understand the importance of monitoring the acquisition in real time to take early decisions to improve the acquisition performance. In addition, Scipion incorporates new techniques to automate the real time image processing pipeline until 2D classification and even an initial estimation of 3D heterogeneity. Moreover, Scipion is equipped with several consensus protocols to get combined results from different EM-packages to screen and select the best micrographs, CTFs, particles or 2D-classes. All with the benefit of Scipion flexibility and ”mix and match” capabilities. Scipion is also able to gather all the processing information and present it in a HTML report that could be served over the web and automatically refreshed. It also offers automatic tools for direct submission to databases, like EMPIAR, when appropriate.

No programming skills are required.

Target Audience:

Cryo em facility operators wanting to do or already doing on the fly processing. The course will address both Single Particle Analysis (SPA) and Tomography, although the stress will be in SPA.


Course will be online, so attendees should connect remotely and have internet connection and a modern browser.
No programming skills are required.
AWS machines will be provided by us.



Time (CET time zone)



Tuesday 27th October


Welcome, introduction , agenda, logistics.

Jose Maria, Pablo 



On AWS:  running streaming demo  – intro, file formats,  installation  – plugins – configuration.

Pablo Conesa

Wednesday 28th October


Available functionality:  guided practice: from movies to …X.


Breaking the stream.

Marcos, Coss

Thursday 29th October


Monitoring – HTML – Grafana (customization) 




Catch-up, personal work


Friday 30th October


Kicking off scipion (templates) – passing data to user.

Jorge, David



Submission to EMPIAR, Json summary.




What do you miss in the Scipion/your pipeline?

Feedback, open discussion, closing session.


Key dates:

01 – 30 September, 2020: Submission of the course application

01 – 15 October, 2020: Communication of awarded applications

Fill  your application here. (Registration will be open soon)