I2PC Course on Single Particle Analysis by CryoEM. Madrid, 20 – 22 March, 2024


National Center for Biotechnology (CNB), Madrid, Spain
Madrid, March 20 – 22, 2024
How to find us: https://idospece.i2pc.margaro.eus/contact-us/

Overall aims and course outline

Cryo-Electron Microscopy has established as a mature technique to determine the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules. It is currently reaching atomic resolution and it is capable of accessing to the structure of conformationally heterogeneous samples, as well as macromolecular complexes. It is complementary to other structural techniques like X-ray crystallography and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and at the moment it is the most rapidly growing technique in atomic structure depositions at public databases like PDB.

The aim of the course is to give an overall overview of the image processing in single particle analysis (SPA). The I2PC has a long tradition of organizing courses of image processing and atomic modelling, with Instruct courses that have been heavily oversubscribed and had to be repeated twice in the same year to be able to attend its demand.

With the experience gained in the organization of virtual and in-person courses, we plan to organize this course in an in-person modality. 20 people will be able to physically attend.

The course is aimed at researchers of all levels wanting to adopt electron microscopy as one of the tools at their disposal for elucidating biological structures.

Expected impact for young researchers

CryoEM is the most rapidly growing structural technique. PhD students as well as young post-docs will certainly benefit from approaching this technique. Knowing it will open new doors to new positions worldwide.

Tutors: I2PC: Carlos Oscar Sorzano Sánchez, Jose-María Carazo, Marcos Gragera, Carlos Perez Mata
CryoEM CNB-CSIC: Francisco Javier Chichón.
Contacts: Lead contact:  Carlos Oscar Sorzano
E-mail: coss@cnb.csic.es
Administrative Contact: Blanca Benitez
E-mail: blanca@cnb.csic.es







 Times are expressed in CET time Zone

DAY 1: 9:30 Morning session:
– Movie alignment, Screening micrographs and CTF
– Particle picking and screening

13:00 Lunch Break

14:00 Afternoon session:
– Particle picking and screening
– 2D classification

17:00 End of day
DAY 2: 9:30 Morning session:
– Initial volume
– 3D classification

13:00 Lunch Break

14:00 Afternoon session:
– 3D classification advanced (masking, classification with no alignment…)
– 3D reconstruction

17:00 End of day
DAY 3: 9:30 Morning session:
– Sharpening, local resolution and validation

13:00 Lunch Break

14:00 Afternoon session:
– One-to-one troubleshooting meeting

17:00 End of day

Registration Fee



The online registration will be open until  February 16th.
Fill your application here (closed)