• Member of the Spanish Microscopy Society and the European Microscopy Society
  • Member of the IEEE Communication Soc., IEEE Biomedical Soc., IEEE Signal Processing Soc.
  • Reviewer of "International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing"
  • Reviewer of "IEEE Trans. On Image Processing"
  • Reviewer of "IEEE Trans. On Medical Imaging"
  • Reviewer of "Software: Practice & Experience"
  • Reviewer of "Pattern Recognition Letters"
  • Reviewer of "Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering"
  • Reviewer of "Inverse Problems"
  • Reviewer of "Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine"
  • Reviewer of “Journal of Structural Biology”
  • Reviewer of “Digital Signal Processing”
  • Reviewer of "Measurement Science and Technology"
  • Reviewer of "European Physical Journal"
  • Reviewer of "Bioinformatics"
  • Reviewer of "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing"
  • Reviewer of "Microscopy and microanalysis"
  • Reviewer of "Optics express"
  • ANEP Project evaluator since 2006
  • Project evaluator of Univ. Nacional de Colombia


  • Organizer of "Ingeniería y desarrollo sostenible" (Escuela Politécnica Superior, Univ. San Pablo CEU) in 2001.
  • Organizer of the "Jornadas de Divulgación Científica" (Escuela Politécnica Superior, Univ. San Pablo CEU) since 2002.
  • Organizer of the "Jornadas de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones" (Escuela Politécnica Superior, Univ. San Pablo CEU) from 2002 to 2005.
  • Organizer of the "Image Registration Meeting" within the "Imagen Médica, Molecular y Multimodalidad" FIS collaborative network.
  • Organizer of the "Jornadas de Aplicación de técnicas computacionales a la investigación biomédica y biotecnológica" (Escuela Politécnica Superior, Univ. San Pablo CEU) in 2005.
  • Organizer of the Special Session on "Signal processing in Bioengineering" of the IEEE Intl. symposium of Intelligent Signal Processing (WISP, 2009)
  • Organizer of the IEEE Signal Processing Cup 2014
  • Founder of Audiria.com


Jury member of the following Ph.D. Thesis:

  1. D. Pedro Carmona Saez. "Análisis y extracción de información biológica a partir de datos de expresión génica obtenidos mediante microchips de ADN" (UAM-CSIC, 2007)
  2. D. Rafael Redondo Tejedor. "Nuevas contribuciones en fusión y compresión de imágenes basadas en representaciones espacio-frecuenciales" (UPM-CSIC, 2007)
  3. Dª. Noemí Carranza Herrezuelo. "New contributions on motion estimation through optical flow techniques applied to cardiac magnetic resonance imaging" (UPM-CSIC, 2009)
  4. D. Miguel Vázquez García. "Functional analysis methods and applications in Bioinformatics" (UCM, 2010)
  5. D. Thomas Pengo. "Automatización del diagnóstico precoz del cáncer de pulmón" (CIMA, 2010)
  6. Dª. María Icíar Frades Alzueta. "Feature selection methods for the generation of signatures to study the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease" (UPV, 2011)
  7. Dª. Carmen Blanca Navarrete Navarrete. "Platform for automatic paralellisation of sequential codes using dynamic graphs partitioning and based on user-adaptable load balancing" (UAM, 2011)
  8. Dª. Laura Fernández de Manuel. "Multimodal non-rigid image registration methods for therapy and surgery planning" (UPM, 2012)
  9. Mon. Antoine Malabirade. "Auto-assemblage de la protéine bactérienne Hfq, actrice du métabolisme de l'ARN: role structural du domaine C-terminal" (Univ. Paris-Saclay, 2017)
  10. Mon. Emmanuel Moebel. "New strategies for the identification and enumeration of macromolecules in 3D images of cryo electron tomography" (Univ. Rennes 1, 2019)