1996 At the Terminal Equipment department in CETECOM
Subject: line access tests for terminals
1997 Computer Architecture Dept. at Malaga University 
Prof: Oswaldo Trelles
Subject: study of protein alignment algorithms
1997-2003 Biocomputing Unit at the National Center for Biotechnology (CSIC
Prof: Jose Maria Carazo and Francisco del Pozo
  • 3D tomography using electron microscopy images of macromolecules
  • Development of an integrated package for electron microscopy images (Xmipp)
  • Development of an easy user interface language oriented for command lines (Colimate)
Short Stays: 
2001- Associate Professor at the Politechnical School of the San Pablo CEU University
Subject: Computer architecture, Programming, Signals and Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Lab. Digital Signal Processing, Lab. Signals & Communications, Information and coding theory

Sexenios: 1998-2009

Short Stays: 

  • Lab. of Integrative Imaging of the Institute Curie (Paris) with Dr. Sergio Marco
  • Lab. of Crystallogaphy and Mineralogy of the Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris) with Dr. Nicolas Boisset
  • National Center of X-ray tomography at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley) with Dr. Carolyn Larabell
  • Center for Biomolecular Electron Microscopy at the Imperial College of London with Dr. van Heel
  • Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry (Martinsried, Germany) with Dr. Stephan Nickell
  • Institute of Computational Engineering and Sciences, Univ. of Texas with Dr. Chandrajit Bajaj with a Tinsley Oden Fellowship award
  • Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Univ. of Minnesota with Dr. Guillermo Sapiro
  • Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific Computing (Beijing), Chinese Academy of Sciences with Dr. Guoliang Xu
2002-2003 Consultant in the Open University of Catalonia (UOC)
2003-2004 Research Assistant at the Biomedical Imaging Group (Swiss Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL))
Prof: M. Unser
Subject: Image registration
2004-2005; 2008- Biocomputing Unit at the National Center for Biotechnology (CSIC)
Prof: Jose Maria Carazo
2004-2006 Consultant of "Canal Comercial Telefónica Corporación" about a product on video transmission over ADSL.
2006 Consultant of "Delaware consulting" about statistical analysis of mobile consumer habits.
2007 Strategic Technological Advising for "Trendit.es" in the area of Data Mining & Data Interpretation.
2007-2011 Statistical consultant of "Integromics"
2009 Technological transfer to Andor Technologies in the area of image processing
2010-2012 Technological transfer to Halotech in the area of image processing