Scipion V1.1 Release

We are very pleased to announce the release of a new version of Scipion. It’s been over a year since the previous and first version and we have been working on 3 main goals for this release:

  • Consolidation: We put and will always put our best effort into making Scipion a robust and reliable software. We have improved performance, usability and fixed multiple bugs.
  • EM packages integration: We have updated several EM packages to their latest versions (relion 2.0.4, ctffind4.1.8) and added new ones (motioncor2, gctf, gautomatch, …). Single movie alignment protocol (as in Scipion 1.0) has been split into several ones for each program.
  • Streaming capabilities: To speed up first preprocessing steps we have enabled Scipion to work in “streaming mode”, allowing users to compute aligned movies and estimate CTF as soon as a movie or micrograph comes out of the microscope PC.

See the full release notes here

Please, go to to download the bundles and follow our installation guide

Many thanks too everyone that have contributed to make this happen:

Instruct Image Processing Center staff